
There are a number of reasons for lifting pigment out of the skin and there is a reason I use Botched Ink to do that.

Reasons for needing removal of brow pigment:

  • Old pigment that has had many top ups, leaving no room for fresh ink.
    Botched Ink will lift this pigment over a number of sessions leaving room for fresh brows.

  • Pigment has altered in colour within the skin - Over time pigment can sometimes change colour in the skin, this can be due to factors such as not protecting from the sun with a sunscreen or possibly a new medication being taken.
    Botched Ink can help to lift out undesirable colours.

If you have a brow issue please book a free consultation to find out how I can help. I choose Botched Ink because its kind to the skin, has no down time, skin healing and after care are simple. £80 per session, expect 3 sessions.

What is emergency removal?

If you have a bad experience with permanent make up for brows and dont know where to turn get in touch.

There is a 48 hour window of opportunity to get that pigment out before the skin starts to encapsulate it. DO NOT try home remedies as this will prevent you from having a Botched Ink treatment. £100